Stopped Getting Periods. Feeling Depressed. Should I Consult Gynaecologist?
I am 44 yrs old and have stopped getting my periods for last one year. I do not have major problem of depression or hot flushes. do you still recommend me to see my gynaecologist?
Thanks for writing in to Healthcare Magic!
Towards the end of reproductive phase a women's body has the period of endocrinal, somatic, and transitory psychological changes occurring in the transition to menopause, it is called Climacteric.
Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation and fertility, defined as occurring 12 months after your last menstrual period of menopause, so you XXXXXXX the protocolized definition because you did not have menses for past one year.
You should still visit a gynecologist because menopause affects your bone and skin texture, amount of calcium and the bony matrix goes down and at times patients develop severe forward bent postures due to neglected osteoporosis and resultant collapse of vertebrae. Some patients need management for such challenges of this stage if any of the above processes are going in the back ground.
If you have any further query please let me know I would try to answer it for you.
Wish you a great health!
during last year I have put on lot of weight almost 15kg. is this because of menopause? what should I do for weight management?
Welcome back to Healthcare Magic Physician's Desk!
Yes it is due to menopause and sudden changes in the hormonal balance.
You should consult the gynecologist, get evaluated and investigated and have the discussion about your problems and expectations and let the doctor decide whether you should be started on Hormonal Replacement Therapy.
Simple measures to cut down body weight is to avoid oily/fatty fried food and control the intake of unnecessary snacks and fast foods.
And include a regular exercise every day in daily schedule.
That is less intake of Calories and burning more Calories through exercise.
You can take expert help for this purpose.
The weight loss should be slow rather than fast, say over a year's time.
Wish you a great health!