Suffering From Bronchitis. Pain And Numbness In Leg. How To Get Relief?
Bronchitis is associated with cough and difficulty in breathing. It is not associated with tingling in upper arm in any position.
It is coincidental symptoms of bronchitis and upper arm pain. Considering your age all upper limb symptoms looks due to cervical spondylitis. Possibly there is herniation of one or more cervical intervertebral disc . It is causing compression of nerve which supplies upper arm. Increase in pain after abduction of arm or keeping hand in overhead position will increase the compression and symptoms.
You need to consult your orthopaedician for examination. MRI of cervical spine may be needed depending on clinical situation.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have further concern, please let me know.
I am extremely sorry for inconvenience but I want to know exactly what do you mean by upper left leg. Is it a upper or thigh area of left leg or left upper arm.
Please mention if possible.
In both situation it still looks age related degenerative changes.
Looking forward for your response.
In medical terms, Thigh is area better hip and knee . It is divided in anterior, posterior , medial and lateral region. You are having problem mainly in upper and outer side, means lateral aspect.
You are mostly suffering from a condition known as maralgia paraesthesia. In this condition lateral cutaneous nerve is compressed at groin region below inguinal region. It is not related to bronchitis at all. There is another possibility of compression of nerve root at origin at Lumbar vertebra due to herniated disc. All symptoms associated with movement and resting position are related to nerve compression. You need to get evaluated further by MRI STUDY. It will be better if you take advise from your orthopaedician.
One is clear, it is not related to chest conditions at all.
Hopefully I have answered your query.