Suffering From Frozen Shoulder Condition. Not Cured By Medicine And Exercise. How To Reduce The Pain?
Please advice what can be done to reduce the pain .
Medicine taken earlier : Hifanec SR (10 days) , Delupa P ( 5 days ) and Etova 400 P( 7 days)
Thanks for posting your query and please forgive me for the delay in response.
Frozen shoulder as your mother has already established can be a debilitating condition. There are many reasons for its occurrence, Diabetes being almost always present as a major risk factor. You have not mentioned she being diabetic so I presume she is not. If you have not investigated her blood sugar, please do so at the earliest.
Nevertheless, the treatment previously administered was appropriate. But unfortunately its no longer working. It must be taken to the next stage, which is 'Mobilisation under anaesthesia'. Along with that the joint needs an intra-articular steroid injection to keep it pain-free for some time.
Mobilisation under general anaesthesia is usually a day care procedure that involves restoring the full range of motion under short sedation and administering a steroid injection in the shoulder joint. The arm is later placed in a pouch for a day and immediately subjected to physiotherapy in form of SWD/TENS and assisted ROM exercises. The exercises remains the long term therapy and few medications for temporary relief.
Having done this, she should be painless in a week or so if done correctly. Hope you find this answer satisfactory. For any further questions, I'm available for follow up.