Brief Answer:
needs further evaluation
Detailed Answer:
I read your query, and understand the concern for your wife.
There are two possibilities here. One is that there can be external or internal
hemorrhoid that is causing the bleeding and making the stool colour red. On the other hand, it can be a problem of bleeding higher up in the intestines.
Whatever be the cause, we need to do few investigations here.
- Stool routine and microscopy
- Per
rectal examination
colonoscopy, if required
I would suggest that you take your wife to a
general surgeon, get a per rectal examination done, followed by a stool routine test.
These would be the preliminary things to be done. Depending on this evaluation, we can decide on further management.
Please go ahead accordingly.
The body ache and the leg pain can be due to generalized weakness, or excessive strain due to physical work. She needs to rest well. Probably a few investigations like
Hemoglobin count, serum calcium, vitamin D levels can be done to look for underlying cause.
Meanwhile, ask her to take lots of vegetables, fruits, and a glass of milk daily.
Let me know if you have more queries.