Suggest Zinc Supplement Dosage
I am taking 25mg of zinc daily to prevent Chronic Prostatitis.
I have read that it is dangerous above 100 mg of zinc and that the estableshed safe upper limit intake is 40mg.
I am planning on taking 50mg of zinc daily instead of 25mg for my Chronic Non - Bacterial Prostatitis problem, since there is no supplier that has 40 mg version of zinc supplement.
Will it be dangerous to take 10 mg above the estableshed safe upper limit ( 50 mg instead of 40 mg) ?
My plan is to take 50 mg of zinc daily during 3 months and then 2 weeks off rotation schedule.
Please tell me if it is ok to do this.
Thank You.
No harm in taking 50 mg of Zinc daily
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have been diagnosed to have Chronic Abacterial Prostatitis.and taking 4o mg of Zinc supplement every day and intend to increase the dose up to 5o mg daily.
Extensive trial have been going on for use of Zinc in patients with Prostatitis with specific reference to its side of developing cancer of the prostate and it has been proved that one can take 100 mg of Zinc without any risk of cancer of the prostate .The risk of Cancer of the prostate is high if it is taken for longer period of more than 10 years and above.
You can certainly take 50 mg of Zinc daily safely for 3-6 months .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,
I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
I am planning on taking that amount daily with a rotation schedule of 3 months on and 2 weeks off, this meaning that I am planning on not stopping this rotation to prevent recurring Chronic Prostatitis.
I understood from the email above that more than 100 mg can create the risk of having prostate cancer in the future.
But when you mean :" The risk of Cancer of the prostate is high if it is taken for longer period of more than 10 years and above." is that related to the same amount above the 100 mg or does this also apply to the lower dosage of 50 mg daily?
Thank You
Read answer as detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
The risk of developing cancer of Prostate is high if one takes 100 gms or more than 100 gms of Zinc daily . for more than 10 ears.
Thanks and Regards.