Suggest Ayurvedic Remedies For Eczema On The Legs
please upload photos and investigation(s) if any
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting the Ayurveda section of (A)YUSH and after reviewing your case history I'm of the following opinion:
1. As it is an example of Autoimmune [AI] disease thus are/were you suffering from any autoimmune disorder like Rheumatoid Arthritis, diabetes, vitiligo, hypothyroidism, psoriasis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease [IBD]
PS. was any investigation(s) done to exclude them and diet which causes release of histamine and thereby causing allergy could be one of the causes of eczema, and can be eggs, peanuts, shellfish, sea food or dairy products, food coloring, artificial sweeteners can trigger the immune system to react.
2. please upload the images for better management of the disease till then dietary regime can be incorporated into your daily routine:
3. One thing to remember is that the duration of treatment may not be proportional to the extent of skin involvement, probably because of a disturbed immune system, so prolonged treatment with XXXXXXX (Nervine) & Rasayana Drugs (Immunomodulators) should be continued irrespective of the improvement.
PS. Eczema is triggered by STRESS and disturbed Immune System, any type of stress (physical/emotional/mental)?
4. Avoid:milk,yogurt,sugarcane products, fish meat, newly harvested rice, salt, vinegar, oily foods, raw radish, over eating, sleeping during day, brinjal, tomatoes, soap (dry)
5. Take:green vegetables, boiled and filtered water to drink, protein rich diet, iron, folic acid, barley, whole wheat bread, honey, eggs, brown rice, orange.
P.S. because skin and nervous system have a common embryological origin thus medicine should cover the neuro part also.
6. Vit E which works as an antioxidant can be applied to the skin as well as taken orally.
7. Include a diet rich in Vit. A, B6, E and essential fatty acids
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant Physician
To my knowledge , I don’t suffer from any of the stated Autoimmune [AI] disease/ food allergy/ disturbed Immune System. Please advise the tests that would determine this
Kindly advise if almond oil should be applied or Vitamin E oil is advisable.
further necessary information
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back
1. To determine if one is suffering/having any autoimmune disorder kindly check with:
- TFT [thyroid function test]
- RA factor and anti ccp test [for RA]
- Fasting blood sugar [FBS] for diabetes
- ANA examination, CBC [complete blood count] and Wood’s Lamp test: in Vitiligo/ SLE
- Endoscopy [colonoscopy] for IBD
- Skin biopsy for psoriasis or any other skin disease
2. As almond oil itself contains Vitamin E [100 gm of almond oil contains 60 IU of Vit. E] and because it has anti inflammatory, immunomodulating and anti hepatotoxic properties thus can be used in eczema [however prescription may vary from doctor to doctor and region wise] and also because it has emollient properties thus is very effective in dry eczema
3. Take Trifla Churan: 1 gm at night with lukewarm water
- Pancha tikta ghrita [1 tablespoon] with arogyavardhini vati: 1 tablet thrice daily
- Sariva assav/Khadira arishta; 20 ml twice daily with equal amount of water [after meals]
- Marichyadi/tuvrakadi taila [for external application]
4. Or you can go for a compound formation like:
- Immunorich capsules: 2 capsules twice daily
- Derm Care Syrup: 2 tsf thrice daily
- Capsule phytstress: 2 capsules twice daily
Dr. Munish