Brief Answer:
Small meals at frequent intervals.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to XXXXXXX
I have gone through your query and understand your concern.
You must maintain a regimented eating schedule so that they are never too hungry or too full.
You should eat smaller and frequent meals through out the day.
Because It is harder for bodybuilders' bodies to digest 2,000 calories in one sitting than it is to eat six or seven meals of a few hundred calories each.
Your diet should contain all the nutrients and
vitamins not just a protein rich food.
Because many body builders omit taking carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates have a bad reputation as being "weight gainers," but in actuality they are necessary for bodybuilders.
According to Muscle and Strength, eating complex carbohydrates is beneficial to developing endurance and building muscle.
During a hard workout, your body's blood sugar decreases.
My advice is to eat complex carbohydrates after a workout to give the body an
insulin spike and avoid catabolic
Eating simple carbohydrates, such as fruit, is not suggested as these foods contain a lot of sugar, which your body does not need.
Regarding protein, seafood is among the best sources of protein. White fish have the least amount of fats and oils.
Darker fish, like salmon, contain oils that add calories and fat.
Chicken (white meat, of course) is a great choice for protein, as well.
Vegetarian options include egg whites, peanut butter and tofu.
You must drink about 17 ounces of fluid about two hours before exercise, to promote adequate hydration and allow time for the body to excrete any excess water. During exercise, we recommend athletes start drinking early and at regular intervals in order to take in fluids at the rate you are losing them through sweating.
You diet before exercise should have following characteristics Low fat, Moderate in carbohydrates and protein, Low fiber, Contains fluids and Made up of familiar, well-tolerated foods.
Both eating before and after exercise is are good for performance, fitness, and health.
You can take carbohydrate rich foods and drinks after an half an hour after exercise.
It is not advisable to exercise in empty stomach. Thus you must take some water and small meal just one hour before exercise.
Hope this helps.
Please write back for further queries.
Wishing you good health.