Suggest Effective Weight Loss Regimes
Detailed Answer:
These are all good questions!
I took a look in the research articles on glutathione. One article I found analyzed it's effects on oxidative stress (which would have to do with aging) and found no benefits from oral administration. Another article looked at it's effects regarding energy depletion in mice - again, no benefit.
There is very little research available on glutathione supplementation in humans. And so there really isn't any standard recommendation for it's use in a weight loss program, such as the best or safest dosing, nor the best way to administer it (oral versus injection). I am guessing that the weight loss program you saw that provides it by injection may be trying to bypass it being broken down by digestion. It may also be a gimmick to give it by injection, because you can just administer the oral form to yourself without needing to go to a clinic, and then the weight loss clinic wouldn't make any money off of you!
I recommend, if you are near a hospital (particularly a university hospital), that you look up to see if they have a supervised weight loss program (call or look on their website). A program associated with a medical center will be based on legitimate research. If that isn't available, Weight Watchers is a legitimate group and you might check them out.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information.