Suggest Remedies For Muscle Pain On Right Side Of Back
Im having muscle pain on the right side in the middle of my back. It's minor, seems to come and go, and is generally felt when I sit up or turn in bed
The muscle was irritated while lifting weights, but doesnt particularly bother me while lifting - however ive stopped doing the exercise that irritated it. It occurred while carrying a weight over my head on my right side. I felt a minor tinge of pain in the muscle, but nothing severe at the time. The pain doesnt always happen when i sit up or roll over, only sometimes. It also feels to deep to be pinpointed or massaged.
Muscle strain:
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry you have an injury. Without examining you it is hard to know specifically which muscle was strained. But treatment is generally the same.
1. Consider taking an NSAID pain medicine such as ibuprofen, which is sold without prescription. This can be taken up to 3 times a day at a dosage of 200 - 600 mg. Take it after you have some food in your stomach so that it doesn't irritate it. Don't take it if you have a history of stomach or bleeding problems. You can take it for up to a week at the higher dose but after that, if you still need it, you should see a doctor.
2. Heat, such as from a heating pad, can help relax the muscle if there is any spasm or cramping of it. Moist heat is best.
3. If you develop bad muscle spasms with it, a muscle relaxer like Flexeril can help, but this is by prescription.
4. If you are interested in trying alternative therapies, acupuncture can be very helpful for musculoskeletal strains.
If these things don't help, or if the pain persists for more than a week, then see your doctor. If you have any weakness or numbness in your arm then go see a dr. immediately, but I don't expect this to happen.
And hold off on weight lifting until you are fully better in several days.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information or clarification.