Suggest Remedies For Severe Colic In An Infant
She appears to have no appetite ! I took her to my gp who said her ears , nose and throats appear to be fine and that she is most likely teething ! She is constantly sticking hands in mouth and dropping ?! Is this teething ?! Why is she so difficult to feed ?!
Yes most probably teething
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concern. Teething can be a very difficult experience for some babies. Irritability, fussiness, lack of appetite, drooling, and sometimes even low grade fever are all signs of teething.
Since she has already been seen by a pediatrician, who would have noticed troubling sign, there is no cause for excessive worry.
I recommend you make sure your baby doesn't get dehydrated, by patiently offering her milk very often, even when she doesn't seem hungry or interested.
I also recommend you try and give her teething toys previously put in the freezer for 20 minutes, binkies, or ice cubes. There is a gum gel for teething babies you can get over the counter.
If she has a fever and you feel her appearance and behavior is aggravated, then by all means take her to a doctor as soon as possible.
I hope this helps.
I'd be glad to answer any further questions.
Wishing you and your baby good health
Sometimes when feeding my daughter appears very irritated pulling her hair and ears .
She also not prefers drinking from her bottle sitting up ( in her Pram or rocker and not in my arms . She however loves me picking her up in general just not to feed ! Is this a passing phase , should I try feed her in my arms or go with what she wants
See below
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concern. I'm sure that once this teething phase passes your baby will go back to her calm self again. Right now, while she's fussy and going through this big change go along with her needs. Feed her however she prefers and feels most comfortable with. It can be exhausting for you as the mother, but keep in mind that teething is even harder on the baby. They feel pain and irritation but on the other hand do not know yet how to handle and interpret it. Thankfully, it passes...until the next round of teething.
You may want to give her some tea spoons of water every now and then, to prevent dehydration.
I hope this helps.
Wishing you both good health and all the best.