Suggest Remedy For Burning Sensation In Mouth After Stopping Gutka
Your clinical history is suggestive of oral submucous fibrosis.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.
I have read your query and understand your concern.
Your clinical history is suggestive of oral submucous fibrosis due gutkha chewing.
If I were your treating Doctor for this case , I would advise the following for you:
Syrup mucaingel 10min before food which is anesthetic as well as antacid ,
Tab Limcee twice daily which is Vitamin C promote heal of oral mucosa ,
Antiseptic chlorhexidine Mouth Wash twice daily &
Multi vitamin & minerals syrup like Zincovit twice daily after food .
Avoid gutkha , tobacco , pan , bettlenut , chilly & spicy food .
You will get relief within week .
You will need to see your doctor to get a prescription.
Hope this information helpful to you .If you have any further questions I will be happy to help.