Suggest Remedy For Persistent Abdominal Pain In A Child
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Pain abdomen in this age is a very common problem and sometimes even after thorough investigations no abnormality may be detected.
Please answer few queries so that I better able to help you out.
1)What is the exact site of pain(Around the umbilicus or away from the umbilicus just below the chest)?
2)Is pain is severe enough to disturb daily activities or sleep?
3)Any associated symptoms like vomiting,regurgitation of feed,heart burn,headache?
4)Any relation to feed(before or after feed,more with solid food)?
5)Any weight loss or decrease in appetite?
6)Other investigations if done like ultrasound abdomen?
7)Any family history of migraine(To rule out abdominal migraine)?
I won't get overly worried if pain is mild,not disturbing sleep,not associated with other symptoms,more around umbilicus,without any weight loss and ultrasound abdomen is normal.
Such condition is known as functional abdominal pain or recurrent abdominal pain;does not need any specific management and improves with time.
Please get back with the answers.
Thanks and regards