Suggest Treatment For Abdominal Bloating And Difficulty In Breathing
m I am concerned about ovarian, uterine cancer, but had a recent pap smear with good results. What kind of doctor/ tests should i seek
Needs work up and management
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. High blood pressure at age of 53 needs hypertension medications and salt restrictions along with frequent monitoring to keep an eye on heart functions and blood pressure, Aim is to keep it below 140 systolic and 90 diastolic. Bloaing and gas are bowel symptoms and could be due to many reason. It could be simple gastric discomfort, functional bowel decline related with age and needs supportive care and diet lifestyle modifications like small frequent meals, avoiding dairy products, soda, alcohol, beverages, tea , coffee etc. Prefer more fluids and fiber in diet and see if it helps.
Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis should be investigated to confirm whether this is rheumatoid or age related osteoarthritis or just conventional symptoms. Trouble catching breath may be connected to your blood pressure and heart functions decline and needs work up like echo, stress tests to rule out cardiac causes of dyspnea.
With normal pap smears i wont worry about cancers of genital tract. You need to visit a GP first, let them work you up and then refer you to concerned specialist.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.