Suggest Treatment For Bloating And Slight Pain In Upper Abdomen
I am a regular drinker and had bloated tummy for few days. I went to a gastro surgeon and told that it is due to my alcoholic behaviour. My gamma GT reading was around 194 and Gastro surgeon wanted to have endoscope to see if i have varices to confirm the damage to liver. Based on the test he told the veins are bit prominent. He asked me to continue Livophill/liv52/Sompraz L/stator f/lipaglyn for 30 days and do a LFT after one month and come for review.
First he told the varices are not clear then he told could see the veins prominently .What does the endoscopic results actually say about my GI tract condition and liver status?
I quit alcohol for the last 2 weeks but I would like to know that can't I have social drinking like once or twice a month any time. Will it effect my liver and I will have cirrhossis and die early. Please advice.
Does the slight pain and bloating in the upper right abdomen is due to hiatus hernia or due to constipation/gas ?
How long should I be not touching drink till my liver comes back to normal and then have occasionally drinking. Please suggest.
What are the medications for ?
Endoscopic results and other reports are attached here.
Stop alcohol .
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through the details you have provided. your endoscopy reports suggest that you Do not have varices.there is no mention of prominent veins in the report. this report does not indicate any permanent damage to the liver.
your liver function show slight elevation in liver enzymes and I would suggest to stop alcohol. these should return back to normal within 3 months of stopping alcohol.
pain and bloating is probably due to hiatus hernia and reflux. Alcohol is an important factor which increases reflux and is contributing to your symptoms.
I would advise against touching drinks again ( even socially). As you already have fatty liver and raised enzymes.
sompraz is for reflux. Stator if for high LDL cholesterol.
these are the essential medications.
hope this helps
Dr Samir Patil
How can hiatus hernia be cured, do we have any specific medicines .
And why is Livophill and Liv 52 is prescribed.
Most of the times I have consitpation , Can you prescribe a medicine for it
Hernia cant be cured
Detailed Answer:
a hiatus hernia can be treated with surgery. but this is usually needed for large (>5 cm ) hernias. Your hernia is small and does not need any treatment.
Hernia can cause reflux symptoms. Sompraz should help with those.
Livopill and LIV 52 are Supposedly liver protective medications. I do not use them in my clinical practice as there is no sufficient evidence for their use.
You can take polyethelene glycol for constipation with water on an as required basis.
Hope this helps