Suggest Treatment For Eye Care Post Retinal Detachment Operation
pls advise post operative instructions outside medicine.
XXXXXXX - 0000
male - 32 years
with controlled diabetes since 3 years.
is it post operative cataract?
Detailed Answer:
Can you please confirm for what surgery you need post operative instructions? Please confirm it.
For controlled diabetics, must have been operated for cataract. Most important is control of blood sugar in post operative period. No information about type of diabetes and drug regime in which it is controlled. Age and other information regarding diabetes like retinopathy. If managed by insulin then it is the best. Glycolated hemoglobin test should be done. Management is same like steroid and antibiotic drop.
Post operative check up regularly, quality of vision after operation is to be monitored. Most effective blood sugar control and and any problem like pain congestion is to be observed, should not lift weight or strain. Constipation or cough is to be controlled and avoid sleeping on that side. Contamination is to be controlled, hygiene to be maintained. .
I have attached my medical reports with my earlier query. operated for retinal detachment
attached again for your reference.
post operative care for retinal detachment.
Detailed Answer:
Yes I can see your reports now, I have gone through the postoperative treatment of retinal detachment, steroid, antibiotic has been given. it is alright for such post operative care.
Along with I would like to give you some suggestions.
Avoid heavy exercises and lifting. You can wear eye pad.
Head position as per your doctor instructions mostly face down while sleeping. Avoid sudden head movements.
Do not watch TV and avoid reading for few days.
Take as much as rest for first few days after surgery.
Follow up with your doctor is most important.
If you have any queries I will be happy to help you.
I have following queries
1. after how many days will I be able to see completely with operated eye?
2. putting head down during day and night resulting a lot of neck pain. any remedy pls
3. can I lift my baby of 9 KGS ?
4. do I need to change my life style or will I have any limitations after recovery ?
Advise on strenuous exercise and lifting weight.
Detailed Answer:
1. Should be able to see normally after two weeks.
2. Avoid putting head down.
3. Avoid lifting 9kg baby. There are other way to express love.
4. Life style changes can be done, but strenuous jogging and vigorous exercise can be avoided. Change with limit can be brought about.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Pls advise will there be another surgery to remove silicon oil ?
I am getting some itching or a needle like sensation while blinking (something like eye pulling )
The surgeon / Doctor said it is OK yo speak on phone and mail on XXXXXXX Is this OK ?
is it OK if I be normal during DAT and put head down only in the night ?
Pls help in addressing my anxiety .
Please take second opinion.
Detailed Answer:
It would not be possible to talk on phone as the policy of this forum doesn't permit to share my personal details with the users. You may consult other doctor as second opinion. And follow the instructions provided by me in my previous replies.