Suggest Treatment For Painful Dental Abscess
Abscess , Drainage
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX,
Thanks for consulting Healthcaremagic .
This is Dr. Priyanka Tiwari answering your query .
Read your query as you have undergone root canal treatment and again there is formation of Abscess above same teeth this can be due to infection is still present at apex of root or in Periodontal ligaments (surrounding fibres of tooth) .
For this i will suggest you to take medicine like cap . Amoxicillin and Tab . Metronidazole with Analgesic like Ibuprofen if you are not allergic . Dont do hot formentation over swelling (Abscess) . Do warm saline rinses 2 to 3times a day .
If you feel better after taking medication and then you can consult oral surgeon after Easter but if you wont get releif then go to Emercency room (ER) Or Nearby hospital for getting examination and Drainage . AS there is possibilty of Abscess formation in same tooth which needs Drainage.
Hope I have answered your query .
If you have further query feel free to ask I will be happy to help.
Drainage , ER
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX,
Welcome again .
Read your query as your abscess is getting worse then I will suggest you to consult physcian in Emercency room and go for Drainage that will give you releif . If you are allergic to antibiotic amoxicillin and levaquin then you can take medicine prescribed by your doctor and consult your oral surgeon go for treatment.
Hope I have answered your query .
If you have further query I will be happy to help,