Suggest Treatment For Painful Ingrown Toenail
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
The area on the inside of the toe does look like a soft tissue infection has started.
Hot soaks or holding the toe under hot water, a minimum of 3 times per day, can help curb the infection if it is gotten early. Heat works in 2 ways: increases blood flow to the area which allows more white blood cells to come and clean up the infection. And by raising the skin temperature which makes it less hospitable for bacteria to multiply (they need a narrow temperature range around skin/body temperature). Don't make the water so hot that you burn your skin of course.
However, if the redness spreads, or increased pain and tenderness develops, then it is time to go in for an oral antibiotic. Watch this closely, and don't wait if that happens. If you are given an oral antibiotic, continue the hot soaks too.
It is very important that you protect that toe now to prevent trauma and increased infection. Wash hands before touching the exposed nail bed, and wrap that part in gauze/bandage before putting (clean) socks on.
So watch for any increasing signs of infection and be quick to go in to be seen if it is spreading or increasing. And get it under some hot water.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information.