Surgery Done For Gall Bladder Stone. Facing Burning Urination And Loose Motion. Any Suggestion?
Well first i need to ask have you ever had such symptoms before gallbladder removal? These are not usual complication of surgery, but sometimes our digestion need to adapt to absence of galbladder. Also some more serious complication can occur such as bile duct obstruction. Did you have any jaundeice,dark urine or pain in the area of liver?
If we exclude posoperative complication then some most common disorders are gastritis, irritable colon disease, chronic hepatitis/pancreatitis. Some less often are Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis. If your problems start after meal then it is stomach disorder probably(gastritis, GERD or hiatal hernia). For this you need to do gastroscopy and help your self by eating easier food,fruit and milk products,and drink less alcohol, coffee. Also should take some antiacid drugs.
If your symtoms comes 4-8 hours after meal then it is colon disorder and colonoscopy should be done to rule out crohn,ulcerative or tumors. If you find blood in stools or have extreme distention go to hospital for workup.
I recommend to wait for 1 month and see is this diet gonna help. If not then those tests i ve mentioned should be performed.
If you have any question I am here