Swelling In Throat, Cough, Lump Below Adams Apple, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Weight Loss. Prescribed With Augmentin And Prednisone
I also had an 8 pound weight loss between my visits
Thank you for posting your query.
You have given a very good account of your problem, I appreciate that. To be able to draw some conclusions I would require additional information regarding this lump, hence I request you to kindly answer these following questions in as much detail as possible.
1. Do you have fever?
2. The lump below your Adam's XXXXXXX is it painful to touch?
3. How big is this lump?
4. Does it move upward when you swallow?
5. Does it feel hard in consistency?
6. Can you move this lump up and down or sideways?
7. Is the lump just below the Adam's XXXXXXX or is it more closer to your collar bones? And is it in the centre or to any particular side?
8. Is this welling growing rapidly?
9. Have you noticed any hoarseness in your voice?
10. What is the shape of this lump? round or more like a diffuse and butterfly shaped on both sides?
Based on your description, I can think of two or three causes for such a lump in that particular position.
1. Thyroid tumour.
2. Thyroglossal cyst.
3. Para pharyngeal abscess.
I suggest you get an ultrasound scan done of the lump as well as surrounding area along with complete blood counts, X-ray of the soft tissue of the neck(Lateral view) and a fine needle aspiration cytology of the lump.
These investigations should give an idea about the nature of this swelling.
Please do write back to me with all the details so that I can help you further.
Awaiting your response.