Taking Norvasc, Amlodipine And Metoprolol. All Contain Micro Cellulose Crystolline. Causing Vertigo. Suggest?
Have tried Norvasc 5mg, Amlodipine 5mg, & metoprolol 25 mg. All have micro cellulose crystolline - I cannot take
due to the fact that it settles on my inner ear hairs and causes vertigo. I choose not to take a pill to undo the results of another. What do you suggest?
Other classes of antihypertensive exist
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting on XXXXXXX
There are other classes of antihypertensive that exist and other drugs found in the same classes of drug as you indicated that have equally beneficial effects and might not cause you vertigo.
Other drug classes are diuretics (several subgroups such as loop diuretic, thiazide, potassium sparing, osmotic etc) e.g hydrochlorothiazie, furosemide, aldactone/spironolactone, etc; ACE inhibitors e.g lisinopril, captopril etc; vasodilators e.g hydrazaline; Alpha2 agonists e.g clonidine etc etc.
You see that we can not even exhaust all the list. So, try being patient a little with your treating doctor (s) so they can get you a script for a good antihypertensive that comes with little adverse effect on you and produces the optimal BP control.
Just discuss with your doctor as all antihypertensive drugs are prescription only medications.
Hope this helps and wish you the best.
Dr. Nsah