Took Medicine For Ear Pain. Started Getting Constant Low Beep Sound In Ear. Any Complication?
I am Dr Ravinder Sharma ENT surgeon.
On the basis of the information provided it appears that you have some collection of fluid in the ear. This is usually secondary to eustachain tube block (Eustachian tube connects middle ear with the throat). If you recollect, it is possible that there was some problem in your nose or throat at that time. If this tube gets blocked it leads to a negative middle ear pressure which can cause these symptoms. Another possibility is that you have infection of the middle ear a week back and it has resolved to an extent but some fluid is left in the middle ear which can give these symptoms.
I would advise you for an ENT consultation, pure tone audiogram and a tympanometry to come on to the exact diagnosis. In case you had nasal symptoms in past I would also advise for a sinus X XXXXXXX
This is a treatable condition and you do not need to worry about it. Timely intervention is the key to complete recovery in this disease.
I hope this answers your concern and feel free to contact me if you need more information about it
with regards
Ravinder Sharma