Took Medicine For Infection On Foreskin. Causing Headache And Stomach Discomfort. Should I Stop Medicine?
Thanks for posting your query.
Yes you are experiencing sideffects of the antibiotic tablet calvepen ( 666) which contains penicillin v which is prescribed in bacterial infections .
The prescription seems appropriate for your genital infection.
The known sideffects are nausea , vomiting , abdominal pain, lethargy, headache , dizziness , itchiness rash etc .
But not all who take the medicine experience all sideffects .
Some people might be allergic to penicillins and they may even have serious sideffects like hives , anaphylaxis etc.
So it's best that you consult your treating physician for a change of antibiotics ( like cephalosporins or macrolides group)if the sideffects are troublesome and persistent.
Please do not stop the treatment abruptly on your own as that may flare up your infection.
Hope I have answered your query.
Kindly accept my answer if you have no further queries.
Wishing you good health.