Variations In Blood Pressure. On Lisinopril And Apo Metoprolol. What Could Be Done?
Keep tracking Blood pressure and medicine dose until appointment...
Detailed Answer:
As long as your blood pressure (BP) is stabilized to 130/70, then, you can keep the actual dose of lisinopril 5 mg once daily and apometoprolol 25 mgx2 day.
I'd also suggest to monitor your BP, record the results, and can pass them to your cardiologist to evaluate better your BP oscillations.
If the results you get are higher than 150/90, then, you can take the extra dose of lisinopril (half pill). If your heart rate is higher than 100, can take extra dose of apometoprolol (half pill) for only that day.
If the next day, the results will be the same higher, can take the extra dose too.
No bad effect would be on your concussion blood to the brain; on contrary, that will have a positive effect on concussion because it will stabilize your BP.
Hope it helped answering your question!
p.s. if you have further concerns, do not hesitate to contact me