What Are The Chances Of HIV Infection After Taking PEP Tablets?
now after 7 week I feel mild cough and occasional pain in lymph nodes of groin area .i also feel weak and fatigue everytime .i dont hav fever chills or night sweats kind of symtomps. I have gastric problem does this problem has anything related to lymph nodes lain.
q1:- how much conclusive is my 21 days post exposure test when I was on pep tablets as some doctor say that pep can affect the test ?????
q2:- when should. I take my next test as. I am very much afraid and paranoid bout the infection.i read
HIV symtomps daily and try to search in me every time
q3:- I have also observed a weight loss of 2 kg is it something serious?//??
RT PCR and follow up.
Detailed Answer:
Nice to meet you,
First of all I try to answer your query one by one ,
Yes, Any abdominal problem like infection or mass may cause groin lymph node enlargement.
Yes, Doing Hiv tests on PEP period affects the results to variable degree as it affects the antibody titre and viral load ,if infected.
Doing RT PCR (Recombinant technology Polymerase chain reaction ) is highly recommended, as it is most accurate to detect within weeks after exposure and is highly reliable.
Do not panic and worry, as worry and stress might result in weight loss , fatique and weakness due to lack of sleep and irregular diet .
Losing 2 kg of weight is not sufficient to make HIV as diagnosis , HIV usually cause about 10 percent of total weight loss .
So ,stop panicking, try to follow up with results.
Hope helped you,
Take care.
does being non reactive in vdrl test increases my chances to remain hiv negative?????
also which is better RT PCR a or Elisa as i am planning to get tested in next week. And if it also remains will it improves my chances of not having infection..sorry i know the mark is 3 month but i just wanted to check if we have any empirical data on such cases
RT PCR, Do follow up with the result.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back,
Yes, being non-reactive in VDRL increases the chances of being HIV negative, since most of the HIV infections are associated with other sexual transmitted disease like syphilis.
Secondly, I would suggest you to do RT PCR over ELISA, since ELISA is less sensitive then RT PCR.
As I said already, being negative in RT PCR makes the chances of HIV infection rare, since it usually detects the infection within weeks.
Follow up with the results,
Hope helped you,
Feel free to contact me again anytime for any clarifications .My personal URL bit.ly/Dr_surendiran_gaj
Take care.
i was not able to take the test as i am in my village,planning to take the test next week. Now i noticed a body temp of 100.4 'f . Since the exposure i did not had fever any tym.even now i just hav mild cough ,and little pain in arms and thighs,no sore throat or ulcers or swalloen lymph glands...
i am so afraid now that everytime i think or read symptoms and try to find in my body
i just wanted to know is this fever is because of gastric situation which i am facing 3-4 days or i am turning now towards infection:( please help,i am very much worried ...is everything going against me even i tried pep and all other possible things...
Need not worry
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back,
No problem, you can take the test next week itself.
First of all,do not worry as you have completed the course of PEP after that incident. The chances of getting infected to HIV is rare as you have already tested negative to HIV serology after PEP.
Excess worry and stress itself make you sick. As you are not associated with any other major symptoms, nothing to worry here , try to have analgesics like tab.aceclofenac 500mg thrice daily and tepid sponging to relieve fever symptoms.
Drink plenty of water to be hydrated and to excrete metabolic wastes.
Try to do the test as i said already and follow up with the result.
Hope helped you,
Take care.
thanks for being so supportive.
visited the lab yesterday and given,the blood sample for RT pcr test and lab guys have given me a slip of hiv pcr dna test ,is this the same test which you asked for,???
u am very much frightened after giving blood sample as u am feeling muscle pain uneasyness ,mild dry cough and sensational pain towards ear in left side
.met a dermatologist today bout a single sore on my face .he ruled out the possibility of it being a hiv rash..
but i am worried why i,am having it again and again in same area one by one ever happened before but one at a time.
also feeling neck pain and stiffness from long..
how to deal hypersaliva and body pain ..please answer
Yes, it is the test I advised for.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back
Yes, it is the test I asked you to do follow up with the results.
Try not considering every condition as an HIV related one by yourself, which makes you feel even worsen. Let us wait for the results and follow up accordingly.
For hyper salivation (sialorrhea) scopolamine patches are available. Try to have one.
Usage of mild analgesics like Tylenol 500 mg tid (thrice daily) helps to relieve body pain.
Hope this helped you,
Do follow up for further queries, or you can write directly to my personal URL bit.ly/Dr_surendiran_gaj
Take care.
still waiting for my test results and this is increasing my anxiety too. I noticed two little sore one on upper roof of mouth and other one on cheek , feeling twiching and muscle pain in jaw line near my ear and malaise lethargic situation.
.may be i am not hiv infected as per hiv test 21 days after exposure indication
but i am worried why these chain of symptoms occuring one by one
.still no other symptoms...
m just taking zythrin for itching
wat causes pain and twitching in jaw muscle a very strange feeling ????????
Aphthous ulcer.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back,
The twitch and pain around the ear are benign fasciculations which are more common in any oral irritations and stress.
Seems like Aphthous ulcer causing sores inside mouth, try to use
1, chlorexidine mouth wash twice daily
2, steroid losengens to reduce pain.
Hope helped you,
Take care.
Dr.surendiran gaj.
still waiting for dna pcr results ..but today I got tested for HIV 1&2 and it was negative.it was exactly 8 weeks after the exposure . It was a simple screening test as told by pathologist which looks for anti odies... I font know whether it was 3 rd gen or 4th genration ....and what difference it creates on my test result????
how conclusive can I consider this test ????
should I get some peace of Mind as I read over internet that 8 week neagative test is as good as conclusive .....
In fear of HIV I got high bp 110 /160and now taking medicines for it ...can high bp be the cause of thigh pain , back pain, and lethargic situation????
As follows,
Detailed Answer:
Nice to see you again,
Really it is a good sign to get a negative result for antibodies after an exposure of 8 weeks, increasing the chances of getting negative result in RT PCR also.
As I said already, stress will result in lot of complications, so try to not worry much, since your results are good.
Try to continue on the hypertension medications.
Yes, hypertension can cause back pain and pain around the abdominal region due to decreased blood flow to various organs as well as head ache and dizziness. The symptoms will subside once treated for hypertension and keeping it around 120/80.
Hope helped you,
Feel free to contact me again anytime for any clarifications .My personal URL bit.ly/Dr_surendiran_gaj
Take care.
Dr.surendiran gaj.