What Are The Consequences Of Marrying A Person With A Positive Blood Group ?
My Blood Group is O+ and i am going to get married , and his blood group is A +, so i wanted to know will there be any problem with our child in anyway, i am 29 Years, i dont have any health issue , and my menses is regular
As such there is no health issue with your child.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us about it.
I can certainly understand your concern, though.
The facts about your inquiry-
-Some studies indicate that there is difficulty in conceiving early in female whom the blood group is O, due to high FSH and low ovarian reserve.
-As you are in advanced age, there may be trouble in conceiving.
-ABO incompatibility occurs with this blood group combination.
-But as you both are Rh positive, then the fetal outcome is good (Rh incompatibility is more dangerous).
Then please continue with your marriage.
My best wishes are with you, always.
Try to conceive as early as possible to avoid unnecessary health issue to you and your future pregnancies.
Hope it is useful, feel free to ask more.
Good luck.