What Caused Cloudy Urine?
Thanks for the query,
The causes for cloudy urine are,
-urinary tract infection:
cloudy urine can be seen in case of lower urinary tract infection, like cystitis means inflammation of the bladder,
in this case associated features like painful micturition or frequency of micturition are seen.
In case of pyonephrosis also cloudy urine can be seen because of passage of pus from kidney.
- phosphaturia: can be seen because of hyper excretion of phosphate by kidney or in hyperthyroidism.
-chyluria: presence of chyle(lymph) in the urine.
It is usually seen in filariasis but can also be seen in pregnancy due to damage to the lymphatic vessels by gravid uterus.
Without chyluria also because of passage of some nutrients and other compounds urine can be cloudy in pregnancy.
-presence of blood in urine or discharge from vaginal infection can present as cloudy urine sometimes.
Simple dehydration or intake of some medicines, vitamins B and in C in high amount can also cause cloudy urine.
Now you consult local physician and undergo urine analysis and culture which will rule out the possible cause and according to that you can take treatment.
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