What Causes A Greasy Bowel Movement?
different possible causes
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Greasy bowel movements are usually due to increase in fat in the stool, this is called malabsorption.
It may be due to problems with the digestion (breakdown ) of the fats or problems with its absorption from the intestines.
The most common causes of this condition are: (1) pancreatic disease- infection, inflammation, mass in the pancreas
(2)liver disease
(4)cholangitis- this is inflammation and infection of the bile passage way
5)diarrhea, excess use of laxatives, short bowel syndrome (bowel is shorter than normal)- these all call the stool to exit quickly and this would reduce the amount of fat that can be absorbed
(6)side effect of medication such as orlistat which is used for weight loss
(7)small bowel bacterial overgrowth
(8)Crohns disease- this disease causes inflammation of the bowel
If the greasy stools continue, to find the cause , you would need to see your doctor for assessment.
This would include a history to determine if you have any other symptoms that may point to any of these conditions.
Physical examination, particularly of the abdomen would be needed and this would be followed by investigations such as liver function test, complete blood count , amylase and lipase (look at pancreas)
Imaging of the abdomen, at least by ultrasound, may be needed as well
The treatment would depend on the cause found
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
different possible symptoms
Detailed Answer:
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms typically occur in persons who have used alcohol daily for at least 3 months or used very large quantities for at least a week (binge drinking)
Symptoms can start 6 to 12 hours after last use but can sometimes take up to a day to appear.
Mild withdrawal: shakes, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, sweating, stomach upset, increased reflexes
Moderate withdrawal:severe anxiety, tremors, palpitations, sweating, weakness, hunger
Severe withdrawal: disorientation, , agitation, hallucinations,increased body temperature, palpitations, shortness of breath,
In some persons, seizures can occur
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