What Causes Altered ESR Levels?
Last month bloods re-done. Just got results ESR now 108! Not due to see consultant until XXXXXXX Chest/voice feel fine. Why ESR going wrong way?
Doing only ESR is very non specific. needs other labs too
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting in HCM.
ESR (erethyrocyte sedimentation rate) is basically rate of rbc to settle downin a formation.
There are multiple factors for its value variations.
They can range from simple inflammatory process to even worst causes like cancer.
Just based on esr we cannot predict or diagnose anything.
It needs basically any clinical symtpoms like fever or others.
As you have given history of pneumonia which got better with antibiotics, I want to know whether tuberculosis was ruled out or not?
TB is most common cause for raised esr.
Other reasons are anemia, infections, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, multiple myeloma and the list goes on.
For now I would like to know the answer to my above question about tuberculosis and if you are worried then you can get done a basic CBC (hemogram) which will give us the blood picture and show whether there is any infection or something. Also a serum creatinine will be useful.
So advisable to do a CBC, peripheral smear of blood and a serum creatinine.
You can get back with me with the reports.
Awaiting your answers.
Thank you