What Causes Blood In Stool While Suffering From Sinusitis?
Over this same approximate period of time, I also have suffered from intermittent bloody stools. Stools are frequently associated with bloody mucus. Sometimes bloody mucus will occur even without a full bowel movement. About 20 years ago, a colonoscopy and lab tests indicated an intestinal bacterial infection, but no colon cancer. I was prescribed medication to take care of the infection. The prescribed antibiotic had only marginal impact on my bloody stool.
Is it possible that these two symptoms, i.e. - chronic sinus colds and long-term intermittent bloody stools are related, or being caused by the same underlying problem?
Yes, Gastro intestinal tract is very much related to allergy/colds.
Detailed Answer:
Hi welcome to Health care magic, great question!
Yes, Gastro intestinal tract is very much related to allergy/colds and sinusitis.
The body wants to expel unwanted stuff through either stools, nose or cough.
I think you should carefully write down what all trigger both the attacks.
You should also take immunity boosters like a lot of greens, citrus fruits, sprouts, peas and tomatoes.
A regular Pro biotic course will also prove useful.
Regularly gargle with Alum and potassium permanganate and do steam inhalation.
Exercise is very important in your case and will bring down attacks by 50%, especially breathing exercises like Pranayam (Yoga)
Get a stool culture and test for H Pylori done to treat any infection.
All these measures will gradually bring about improvement.