What Causes Blurred Vision When Having High ESR Count?
Only anomaly in CBC – Increased Lymphocytes and low Neutrophils with high ESR
Data as follows along with past year
WBCs - Yr 2015=14200, Yr 2013=16,800, Yr 2011= 10,000
Lymphocytes - Yr 2015 = 72, Yr 2013 = 56, Yr 2011= 63
Neutrophils - Yr 2015=21, Yr 2013= 38, Yr 2011= 27
Platelet Morphology – ESR Yr 2015= 54, Yr 2013= 19, 2011= 28
2015 RBC Morphology - Mild anisocytosis, mild poikilocytosis
2015 WBC Morphology – Absolute lymphocytosis
25 Hydroxy Vitamin D serum - D3 – 12.7 NG/ML
BP range 100-140
Peripheral Smear Report details are as follows
RBC : Hypochromasia Mild
WBC : Leukoctosis with Lymphatic Dominance
Platelets : Adequate on smear but few platelet aggregates seen
According to Gen Physician reasons for the above could be inflammation more than infection and he suggests more tests like C-Protein Reactive and Bone marrow biopsy can be done. He is eliminating Colites, Allergies, worms or deficiencies of any kind be it Folic acid or Vit D as cause of lymphocytosis because he says there is no Esonophilia.
1) According to Ayurveda what can be the probable causes of imbalance in lymphocytes. How to regularize the same and find a remedy that will address inflammation if any anywhere in the body be it in the blood, bone marrow or any other part that we are unable to pinpoint or assess. If so what according to you are the ingredients of such a medicine and what are the risks in administering that?
2) Based on our knowhow of Ayurveda some herbs come up like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Triphala and XXXXXXX XXXXXXX Malti - can any of these solve the issue. My grandma used to refer Vakeri no Bhootu for any unknown inflammations. Please opine.
meticulous examination is necessary.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting Ayurveda with your health concern.
1. mild anisocytosis and poikilocytosis indicate dyshemopoiesis and indicate marrow stimulation e.g: hemolysis,vitamin B12/iron/folic acid deficiency, or infiltration of marrow by malignant cells.
PS. also needs Liver function tests, alcohol intake, low thyroid, myelodysplastic states.
2. mild hypochromasia means iron deficiency.
3. Marked Lymphocyte [leucytosis] indicate either acute leukemia or blast crisis of chronic leukemia in which there is are hypochromasia/poikilo and anisocytosis.
PS. consultation with a hematologist is mandatory. [bone marrow aspiration]
4. In Ayurveda we classify blood related disorders under 'Rakta vaha Srotas Vikara" but management is possible only after thorough examination so
follow up with your doctor is advisable since with proper history and general examination a proper diagnosis/prognosis can be reached.
5. The said drugs are considered as "Immunomodulators" thus they will act as adjuvant to line of treatment advised, thus initially expert opinion with hematologist is necessary.
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant & Physician
So are you saying that if at all there is any serious issue with bone marrow/blood Ayurveda has no treatment and it will only complement Allopathy?
1) Please list which Ayurveda herbs are recommended to strengthen immunity of bone marrow and what are the risks.
2) Please explain what is the use of Vakeru bhutu and what are risks.
3) Please list which is best remedy for addressing inflammation of any unknown kind anywhere in the body. Also what is best herb to resolve immuity against bacterial/viral infection of unknown kind in unknown part of body.
try heerak bhasam, Adaptogen and immunomodulators
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back.
1. If reports are normal check with a Hematologist for further necessary consultation.
2. Since terms are different in different parts of country thus I/m unable to unable to understand the term "vakeru bhutu" [which could be some local terminology or some other form of treatment].
3. If it comes out to be dysfunction of bone marrow then 'heerak bhasam' is effective against bone marrow dysfunction/depression.
Dose: 10 mg once a day with honey, after meals
PS. although no side effects have been reported it should be taken under strict medical supervision.
4. For chronic inflammation one has to rule out any ongoing disease inside the body [for which general examination is necessary], in the mean time you can start with compound containing: haldi [turmeric],adrak [ginger],guggulu [comiphora mukul], ashwagandha [withania somnifera].
PS. Adaptogen is one such drug.
5. to improve Immunity one has to go with Immunomodulation.
1. Anything you do, go low and go slow and make changes gradually, as your small changes become habit, you can continue to ADD more healthy choices.
2. Eat a variety of nutrient rich food but which have some added advantage like: . Cabbage (cholesterol lowering benefits),
. carrot (helps in liver detoxification),
. cauliflower (ideal against abdominal problems),
. dates (खर्जूर )-(best for muscle development),
. onions ( contains flavinoids which protect against cardiovascular disease),
. garlic ( has broad spectrum antibiotic properties)
3. (Rejuvenation/Immunomodulators) should be instituted in your management as part of XXXXXXX (palliative) therapy i.e. which corrects the dysfunction of tissues without disturbing the functions of normal tissues, also Rasayana drugs potentiates humoral antibodies, by increasing serum Immunoglobulin’s such as IgA,IgG and IgM.
i.Proteins are essential for antibodies production so milk, egg (white), beans,yogurt,soyamilk,pumpkin,squash,watermelon,peanuts,almonds, if non-vegetarian (meat) are choices
ii.Vitamin A: helps to maintain Thymus gland which is a powerful antiviral gland : thus XXXXXXX carrots,cantaloupe,egg yolk, apricots, pumpkin, papaya, are ideal
iii. Vitamin C: is needed for proper functioning of immune system: amla is best
iv.Vitamin E: is a powerful anti oxidant which helps to stimulate antibody production: peanuts, dried apricots, cooked spinach,taro root can be taken
v.Vitamin B is important for the activity of phagocytes: eggs, cheese, pistachio, raw garlic, sunflower and sesame oil.
vi.Ashwagandha,Mandukparni,Shatavari,Trikatu,Vacha,Guduchi,are best Immunomdulators, while:
a. Amalaki-Immunity-Tulsi[ORGANIC INDIA]
c. Immuwin-Prolife [BalVedics]
d. JENAID-A-B [Jainam] e. Septilin [Himalya] are the prescription drugs, you can consult with an Ayurveda Physician there about the same.
Dr. Munish