What Causes Constant Hunger?
Investigations should be done to rule out common diseases.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Dear and Thanks for choosing this forum for asking your query.
As per the history given by you feeling hungry in a short interval after taking food can be due to one of the following-
1)Diabetes involves issues with controlling blood glucose due to insulin dysfunction. Insulin does reduce your appetite, but if your body's receptors don't respond to it properly, as in type 2 diabetes, you may still feel hungry.I would suggest you to go for two tests namely fasting and post prandial blood sugar.
2)Tapeworm infestations are one possible reason for feeling hungry after eating.There are different types of tapeworms, including fish, beef, and pork tapeworms, and all these types can increase your appetite. The parasites sit in your bowels, eating nutrients from your meals and this lack of nutrients keeps you hungry.Stool test should be done to check for worm infestation.Couse of Anti helminthic could be given as per the results of test.
3)Hyperthyroidism causes your metabolic rate to increase, meaning your body uses more calories than normal. This means that if you have hyperthyroidism, you need to replenish the calories, causing frequent hunger or a large appetite.Go for test named thyroid profile.
Short answer-
There can be a number of causes however few tests should be done initially to rule out the basic problem.
Tests suggested are
Fasting and PP blood sugar.
Stool routine and microscopy.
Follow up with reports.
Follow up.
Detailed Answer:
As all your reports are normal and you feel hungry only sometimes.I don'tt think there is any need to worry u at present.
Every person has a different BMR. In some persons it a bit on higher side naturally.
Off and on hunger is demand of your body and is not a disease.
From my side you are clear.