What Causes Dull Pain In Right Eye Before Cataract Surgery?
This can be corneal degeneration.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care Magic.
I am Dr. Dadapeer K, an ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
I reviewed your history.
It seems from the history that you are scheduled for cataract surgery. No need to be worried about this as it is a common problem in your age and can be corrected by surgery.
But be sure that raised intraocular pressure is also treated by appropriate treatment. The dull ache is probably because of raised intraocular pressure.
Coming to your question of a small thin band visible on the cornea, it is probably a corneal degeneration like arcus senilis and no need to be worried about this and no treatment is required for this condition as it will not affect the vision.
If possible do send a photo of the eye so that I can confirm the diagnosis and advice you accordingly.
Hope this is helpful to you.
Do write back to me for further questions.
Thank you
With regards