What Causes Headaches And Giddiness After Periods?
Postural hypotention
Detailed Answer:
Hi. Thank you for writing to HCM.
It appears that due to the recent onset periods and loss of blood (maybe on the higher side) there is a decrease in blood pressure which worsens especially on getting up suddenly or on sudden change in position. This explains all the symptoms of headache, giddiness, blackouts and relation to body posture.
At present, with the given history the dizziness appears to be due to the blood loss and resulting drop in pressure. The body will adjust to this gradually. She may have associated low blood glucose due to poor dietary intake or vitamin deficiencies that are predisposing this. In my opinion it does not seem to be that the dizziness is due to an inner ear problem.
However, I do recommend an ENT evaluation to rule out any ENT cause for these symptoms. An ear otoscopy, Dix Hallpike's posture test, Head thrust test, Rhomberg's and Unterberger's test may be necessary and these can be performed by the ENT clinician at the clinic. (These are not blood tests, these are postural tests).
Also an evaluation by an obstetrician and a gynecologist to assess if the blood flow during periods is normal or is your daughter losing more than necessary blood.
The medications appear fine. Vertin may not be necessary unless something is picked up in the ENT evaluation. It is probably alright to go ahead with the blood tests. A blood sugar work up will also help.
Do discuss my views with your physician or ENT surgeon. Hope this helps. Do let me know if you have any further questions.