Brief Answer:
Too early to worry. for now, OK
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
Next choice is mainly composed of female hormones, which simply acts by altering the normal physiological function of the body, in order to prevent pregnancies.
Menstruation is under the influence of female reproductive hormones. It is all but normal that after taking emergency
contraception like Next choice, you experience alterations in the normal menstrual flow.
Mucus secretions at the vaginal level and
cervix are all under
hormonal influence. These manifestations you are experiencing all common with hormonal contraception. They should normally regularize during the next cycle.
You really need not bother much as of now. In case this persists, or the mucus secretion becomes too much, having a whitish or yellowish color, or you experience any pain and excessive bleeding, you might need to consult your doctor. for now, what you are experiencing is within normal limits for persons that have used the drug.
Thanks and kind regards as I wish you the best of health. Please, do feel free asking any follow up questions in case you got any specific concerns. Kind regards.
Dr Bain