What Causes High Liver Enzymes?
Going for more blood work tomorrow. No Hepititis. Enzymes are over 1,000.
Biliary tract disease...
Detailed Answer:
Hi, thank you for posting!
I have gone through your query and I understand your concerns.
According to your symptoms, I think that you might have a biliary tract disease(the most possible are biliary stones), considering that you exclude viral hepatitis.
This disease is not linked to the accident. I think that the liver test should be taken again in order to follow the continuity of the disease.
In order to get the right diagnosis, you should get these tests done:
- complete blood count
- abdominal ultrasound which might be followed by a CT-scanner
- urine test
The results of these tests will orientate your gastroenterologist to determine the right diagnosis and treatment of your condition.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me.
Take care,
Dr. Behar
Relatively serious condition...
Detailed Answer:
Hi, thank you for writing back!
The high level of transaminase (enzyme) is an indicator of a relatively serious liver disease. The test I told you to get done will show the cause of the disease, which will make it possible for the gastroenterologist to find the right diagnosis and treatment.
If you don't have any other questions, you can close the discussion.
All the best,
Dr. Behar.