What Causes Involuntary Bowel Leakage In Children?
daughter is 4 and when she goes poop she can not feel her self going so we have dirty pants all the time like 4 or 5 times a day..they are always soft and gooing. but when i give her apple-prune juice her stoole is hard. why
Please give her fibre diet with plenty of fluids
Detailed Answer:
I am really very sorry as we were not able to help you in a proper way.
I have gone through the query and do understand your concern.
This problem is not uncommon in this age.It is mostly due to constipation and condition is called Encopresis.
Here a hard stool get stucked at the opening of anus and soft or liquid stool leaks around the mass. This causes passes of stool and soiling of underpants which child can not perceive.
Once the constipation gets resolved this problem ends.
Giving juices with fibre helps in relieving constipation which is evident in your case.
So I request here to give her frequent high fibre diet with plenty of fluids.
I won't get overly worried if she is already toilet trained and there is no cut/ abrasion in the analysis area as painful passage to stool due to injury in anus itself causes constipation.
If condition persists, please consult a pediatrician for clinical examination to rule out any local abnormality in anal area or fir any medication(laxatives)to get relieved from constipation.
I hope this helps.
I shall be glad to help you out if you need any more help.
Wishing for your child's good health.