What Causes Loose Stools And Stomach Pain?
You need to repeat upper endoscopy
Detailed Answer:
I read carefully all your concerns and I am sorry for the situation you are in.
Regarding your symptoms like loose stools, stomach hurting I can say as follow:
1. Your symptoms like stomach pain after meal seems to be related with stomach ulcer. On the other hand you have previous history with stomach ulcer.
At this point I strongly recommend to repeat upper endoscopy with biopsy for H.Pylori.
2. You are reporting to have bowel movement changes like loose stools and other times hard to pass stools.
This symptoms may be related with
- IBS ( Irritable bowel syndrome)
- bowel movement changes from stomach hyperacidity.
At this point I would like to suggest changing your lifestyle like :
- use foods reached in fibers like vegetables and fruits
- use plenty of water
- avoid spicy, sweet and chilly foods
- avoid fast foods
- avoid unnecessary stress
With regards to medical treatment I suggest to
- use nexium 80 mg per day
- use anti spastics like butischopolamine
Hope it was helpful to you