What Causes Pain In Breasts With Lumpy Feeling And Inverted Nipples?
Need assessment and examination
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Pain full breasts lumpy feelings inverted nipples and discharges with contraceptives history are some thing worth assessment to rule out any worrisome cause which usually age of 21 is least likely to have.
Swollen glands and nodes also make it assessment mandatory.
Now the pills both are very notorious for the adverse effect you are having and it could be just drug induced. stopping thepill meanwhile would see if symptoms resolve or not.
Rest self examination would be a start.the lump needs to be assessed for its nature consistency and texture etc and correlation to nearby structures like skin.
Breast scans need to be done a simple breast ultrasound will help.progesterone of desogestesl carazatte you taking is very likely cause for flabby breasts and lump like feeling. It's all hormonal as protestation alb phase of menses predominate with it.
Nut shell consult a doctor.get breasts examined and assessed and stop the contraception immediately. Do as directed to sort out the likely cause.looks most likely an adverse effect of desogestesl carazatte.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.