What Causes Pain On Side Of Abdomen After Caesarean Delivery?
Need more details.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
I have gone through the entire series of questions posted with regards to her health issues.
I need you to fill in a few gaps -
1. What is the exact most pressing complaint right now ?
2. Where is the maximum pain right now , if possible upload a photo with her pointing to it . Is it only on pressing, or present continuously throughout, is it intermittent ?
3. Has the pain relented / subsided in intensity compared to earlier , after the antibiotic treatment ?
4. Have you had constipation earlier ? Before pregnancy ?
5. I request you to label each attachment and attach it chronologically since there are so many that it gets confusing .
6. Which doctor are you currently consulting ?
7. Where do you reside ?
8. What is your height and weight ?
9. Was this your first pregnancy ?
10. Have you ever had any health issues before pregnancy , or during pregnancy ?
11. Why was a C section done ?
12. Are you breastfeeding your child, and are you happy with your bond with the child ?
13. Do you have any stress in personal '/ professional life ? Are you working ?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Take care.
The most problematic area is in right lower abdomen..it is a pressing pain that i cant even wear ny cotton cloth n it.till the time i was on antibiotic dose it was fiinethe moment i stop taking them in a span of few days the prob rwsurfaces again..but the antibiotics are causing me side effects too.i m 5.3 weighing 69 kg right now .i reside in west XXXXXXX and have consulted 2.3 qgynae and one surgeon too,it was my first pregnancy and c section was done becoz of fetal distress i m allergic asthmatic also. I m not breastfeeding my child right now as i cant sit properly i m extremely happy being a mother,i m working but right now on maternity leave..dnt have ny stress in pe3sonal life..but just sick of all this for last three months now..no doc is giving me a proper direction and everybody is tossing me like a ball..dnt understand what is going wrong with my body but yes my hody is giving me some very bad signals...i m enclosin my reports in a serial manner..hoping some right direction from u..pls pls help me get out of this.i will be greatful
Thanks in anticipation
Please answer each question without missing any one please.
Detailed Answer:
Hi again.
See, the pain would be underneath the skin right ?
Why are you not able to wear clothes over it, is it a sensitivity on the surface of the skin ?
The scan and MRI shows a small collection there, it is not something to worry about.
A course of antibiotics should have corrected it to a great extent, I wonder why that did not help.
I had given a whole list of questions for you concerning this issue.
Could you please copy paste it, and answer each one separately ?
Thanks, each question is relevant to the diagnosis.
Waiting for that.
Take care.
Yesterday I accidentally consumed fine particles of glass while having milk from milk bottle. What can b done
I m suspecting my problem to be of abdominal tb peritonitis or necrosis
I have attached all the information regarding my problem In first query.. Please guide.
Attaching my latest ultrasound nd mei scan too
Not necrosis or tuberculosis.
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through all the reports.
There is mild wound induration and swelling.
It will go away with time.
Just give it time.
Start mild yoga and exercises gradually, it will help.
If you are having no symptoms , then do not worry about the ingestion of glass particles.
Very fine particles will be passed out in your stool.
Only sharp and big ones get impacted or need endoscopy / removal.
Necrosis is a serious issue, and you would have major complaints such as high grade fever, continuous discharge of pus from the wound etc.
It is not necrosis.
Nor is it tuberculosis in my opinion.
It is just a simple delayed wound healing, and it will heal with time.
For your pain, you can take temporary pain killers and anti inflammatory agents.
Take care.
if u can understand my concern the radiologist who conducted my latest ug made me afraid by saying i m having severe infection.pls elaborate the first remark of hypoechoic track that is avascular and 27mm and 4_7 mm wide.that suggested tuberculosis..i got scared a lot wen i googled this and since then it is not getting off mymind doc
i went to my physician and aftrr seeing my usg he asked me to get a ct abdominal done and tb gold test.but since i was afraid of ct scan radiations i went for a repeated mri that revealed adhesions and soft tissue track..why is there a contadiction of reports in usg and mri...should i have got a ct scan done.???
i wenr to my surgeon again and he said this findings are normal post op of adhesions and track..wen everything is normal then y do i feel so tired with so many weird symptoms despite taking proper rest and diet too.
i consulted ny gynae also who prescibed me sumag and zinase d as i have mentioned earleie after my physical assement and reports
now can i follow this treatment of
rabicip L in morning
tds zinase d
rabicip at night with montair lc and seroflo 250
sumag ointment bd
hot fomentation tds
shoul i really follow a conservative approach of wait and watch..can i really afford that as im really very scared from that usg report of avascular track. i personaaly also feel my body is giving me someverybadsignals tht i have never ever felt though thw clinical findings are normal
i m attaching that usg report and mri
Detailed Answer:
Hi again.
Your symptoms are not at all suggestive of tuberculosis, and the first imaging was erroneous according to me.
It is alright to get an MRI done, there is no need for a CT scan.
As I said, the disparity between the USG and the MRI is explained by the fact that the USG was erroneous.
Yes, these findings are post op adhesions and delayed wound healing.
Your treatment prescription is fine.
You can definitely continue with it.
Take Vitamin C supplements ( Celin tablet ) with it, and a good high protein nutritious diet.
Yes, please follow a conservative approach, am sure you will be better.
Take care.
i agree with ur point,but my wife is complaining of her detrioating health again and again ..despite taking proper rest she still feels very tired..since yesterday she is having vomiting even after eating diet like idli and bread..she is complaining of breathlessness with some swelling in nose and ear on left side ..she feels as if something is stuck in her food pipe area. she is feeling a lot of tavhycardia whe she lies on her back and while passing motions and sometimes while sitting and walking too.it is like tremors kind of feeling.her backacheb is increasing dat by day withpain in right side under rib area. and difgiculty in vision
earlier also wen she was complaining about her symtopms .doctors have ignored her saying she is having anxiety as her first usg in january didnt reveal allvthis nd had a normal report of usg and mri,but wen her symtopms were not decreasing we went for a repeat usg and mri that reveled this problem of soft tissue..the doctors might be right with the approach as nothing is coming in her blood work except elevatec esr,but there is something wrong going on which is troubling her a lot as she is not anxious at all and has never ever faced or complaint of having such issues..i really want to listen what she and her body is giving signals because this time ivreally dnt want to get her problem aggravated to this extent just because she is not having fever or blood work difference..there must be something that is bothering her and i just want to figure that out..i dnt feel a conservative approach at this time can work because we kept that in januray also listening to doctors saying and ignoring her symptoms but later on that turned to be something else...we dont want this to happen again pls if u can understand my concern...there has ti be some way doc that can tell what is happening with her..can i go for any hormonal test or any test that would tell whats wrong happening in her abdomen...i dont want to lose her..she also had a history of viral karatistis in her eyes wen she was operated for her c lasik surgery..is it because of her weakened immune system that she is facing priblem
attaching her latest report of urine and stool culture and haemogram..
she has also been prescribed muccaine gel today tds..
pls guide doctor...
NOt able to view the reports.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again.
I am not able to view the urine / stool/ hemogram reports.
All possible imaging and blood work has been done.
Regarding her eye issue, please consult an Ophthalmologist at the earliest, as she could be having some significant issue.
NO other tests are required.
Of course, I need to go through all the tests done so far, which are not visible in this thread, so try uploading them.
Conservative management is best for her.
Have you thought of consulting a psychologist to see if there is any possible psychological angle to the numerous complaints ?
pls guide me regarding the surgeon part...can the adhesions mentioned in mri report be the cause of her bowel obstruction and constipation?i consulted my surgeon and he says to ignore them as this happens post surgery ..can we afford them to ignore like this..?will they heal of their own or will even get aggravated in coming future
will a further surgery will be required?.can u suggest the topmost surgeon in XXXXXXX
the surgeon conti ued the treatment of rabicip and asked to invlude high fibre and roughage diet..sometimes despite takung all the medicines she is still feeling as she is not properly freshed and till the time she is not she have a very rapid heart rate while sleeping and sitting too.she has tried clonezapam too as one of the doc has given that her in XXXXXXX month wen all they were thinking this to be anxiety..she was given melzep 0.5 at that time but that didnt work too as i feel she doesnt have that
can the symptoms she is facing can be becaoz of bowel obstruction?If yes ,what could be done..is surgery the only option..?.i yesterday googled some physical therapist in florida who solve these adhesions from deep tissue massage..do u have any idea about that.is tht worth for solving ahesions
also can she continue to take her iron anofer sp,calcium supracal,nuroday 150,and bifilac hp along with her cirrent medications of rabicip l montai lc muccaine gel and zinase d.though she has taken darolac for a month can u pls tell the duration gap at which thes3 be taken.. can becasole be substitited for zevit...
does her bowel obstruction problem solve of its own in future.what kind of diet should she take..in terms of high roughage and fibre to get fresh properly.
i m attaching the report again
Detailed Answer:
Adhesions are a normal sequelae of any surgery.
They heal on their own and resolve most of the time.
Bowel obstruction is a very serious term.
In cases of bowel obstruction, she would have very serious symptoms - total inability pass stool, fever, etc.
Bowel obstruction needs to be urgently treated.
She is having mild degree of constipation.
Lifestyle changes in the form of a good high fibre diet will help her.
There is no need at all for a repeat surgery, it might only worsen the adhesions as the next surgery also will leave more adhesions and scars.
Adhesions can never be treated by tissue massage, it is not worthwhile even considering it.
Yes she can continue her medications.
In fact, I think she should stop all medications for a short while.
She has been over medicated, and even now is on so many drugs.
Stop everything for a fortnight and see if that makes a difference.
Take a vacation meanwhile, a short trip somewhere.
YEs, becosule can be substituted for Zevit.
SO many medications may be contributing to her constipation.
She should be eating lots of XXXXXXX husk, fruits with skin on, green leafy vegetables, oats , and lots of water.
Take care.