What Causes Painful Lump Below Cleft On Inside Of Buttocks?
Pilonidal abscess, Mainly incision and drainage
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for posting on HCM.
I can understand your concern regarding the skin condition.
From your history and description, it seems you have developed pilonidal cyst/abscess.
The site where tail-bone (coccyx) ends, a kind of tunnel like area is formed by gluteal folds of vuttocks. This site possess lots of hair and very prone to friction and sweating.al Thus a cyst forms commonly over it and which if gets infected is called pilonidal abscess.
I would insist you to post your pictures for better understanding of your problem.
In my patients, I usually advise a short course of antibiotics and analgesics and antibiotic cream containing mupirocin over affected site. Sitz bath i.e sitting in tub of lukewarm water twice a day helps in relieving pain and tenderness. Antiseptic dusting powder can be used additionally to keep area dry.
This treatment is usually palliative.
For those with repeated episodes, I refer them to surgeons for surgical treatment which mainly involves Incision and drainage of cyst under antibiotic cover in majority of cases.
Lifestyle modification is of utmost importance as it prevents recurrence. It involves avoid sitting in hard surfaces for long, avoid driving for long, use cotton undergarments, and maintain hygiene.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Take care
Dr Hardik Pitroda
Folliculitis? Oral and topical antibiotics
Detailed Answer:
I would insist you to post pictures if possible and consult a dermatologist for proper physical examination.
It seems otherwise you may be having simple folliculitis/ abscess for which a short course of antibiotics like cefadroxil or amoxicillin may suffice.
Antibiotic cream like mupirocin should also be used along with analgesics for pain.
Thank you
Dr Hardik Pitroda