What Causes Painful Throat And Extremely Swollen Uvula?
A few hours have passed by as I've debated going to urgent care. I decided to take another look and while there is still some swelling and redness, it has gone down significantly. It no longer "rests" on my tongue. There is still pain, however, certainly not as much (it is hard to tell or gauge my pain due to the fact that I took to 100 mg tramadol that I am prescribed by my doctor for pain). But swallowing is a little easier. And a little bit of white remains on the uvula. My tonsils or glands, I'm not sure exactly what those are on either side of the uvula, are clearly swollen as well.
I'm living in Germany and I'm entirely alone without any family or friends and I'm not sure what to do. Do you think this is something I can take care of at home simply by gargling salt and water? Or would you recommend I'd be seen by a doctor? What antibiotics be beneficial here? Anything you can offer for advice is very much appreciated. Thank you
UPDATE-Next day:
I woke up this morning and I feel awful. I do have severe congestion, constantly blow my nose, my voice has physically changed, and my throat still hurts.
I am updatinf photos from this morning. It is nowhere near as swollen as it was yesterday morning but, nonetheless, it is still swollen and painful. Urgent care does not open until 5 PM here, it is currently 1 PM. Do you advise I go in as soon as they open? What do you think this could be?
Thank you!
may be viral sore throat
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
I am sorry that you feel so unwell.
Nasal congestion, sore throat with or without voice changes, general fatigue and malaise are normally related to viral infections.
Over 80% of sore throats are normally viral rather than bacterial.
It can sometimes be difficult to determine by symptoms alone if an acute sore throat is viral or bacterial but in general if there is severe fever not resolving , pain , then bacterial infection is more likely.
Viral sore throat is treated with pain medication and gargling/lozenges, bacterial infection would need antibiotics.
If your throat pain is still very severe then you can go to urgent care as soon as they open, they would do a swab to determine if it is viral or bacterial. Based on the images, looks more viral but a swab can confirm this.
If viral then: (1) continue gargling with salt water
(2)add over the counter meds such as chloroseptic, diflam or covonia throat treatment
(3)oral anti inflammatory pain meds such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin
(4)cough and cold medications available over the counter would help with nasal congestion .
Decongestants may be oral or topical (normal saline drops or otrivine)
Summary: (1) if no sustained fever and based on images ,more likely viral but you can still visit urgent care to confirm
(2) viral infection treated with pain meds and gargling or sprays
(3)if bacterial , antibiotics needed
(4)over the counter cough and cold medications would help with the other symptoms
(5)also need to drink fluids and rest if possible
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
different options available
Detailed Answer:
Nasal congestion: (1) topical normal saline drops or otrivine drops
(2) oral decongestants are pseudoephedrine or phenyephrine. Normally these would be found in most cough and cold meds
Usually combined with an oral antihistamine
Sore throat: (1) oral pain killers such as ibuprofen/ aspirin/ naproxen / cataflam
(2) topical sprays or lozenges or gargles- chloroseptic, diflam , covonia
Eg of over the counter meds that may help nasal and other symptoms eg advil cold/flu, panadol cough and cold , benadryl cold med etc
Please feel free to ask anything else
can try home treatment first
Detailed Answer:
You can try home treatment with over the counter meds first to see if it helps first.
Can do this for at least 1 to 3 days unless symptoms are severe or worsening.
At present there are no meds that cause hasten resolution of the symptoms just decrease them.
In general symptoms (cough, nasal symptoms) can last up to 10 days , the sore throat- normally 3 to 4 days.
If anything else unclear, you can let me know
I am allergic to all anti-inflammatories that includes: naproxen, aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. do you think it is worth going in to at least get something for the pain? Or do you think that is a little too much? Thank you!!
can try paracetamol first
Detailed Answer:
Sorry about the late reply
You can try paracetamol first to see if this helps (on an empty stomach). If there is no relief with the sore throat with this and the topical agents ,then you can use the tramadol.
The other option would be codeine.
You can feel free to ask any other queries
Today is day 2.5 with this virus…
It's still red but only minor swelling. At this point I mainly have a lot of congestion.
Question: am I contagious?
yes, it is contagious
Detailed Answer:
Yes, the cough/cold is contagious via coughing and sneezing and contact with any nasal secretions.
Blocking the nose and mouth during a cough or sneeze and hand washing or disinfectant wiping would reduce any transmission
If you need help with anything else, you can let me know
if unable to institute precautions
Detailed Answer:
If you can use the precautions mentioned above then you can avoid spread to anyone but if any circumstances may make this difficult to do then , yes, avoidance would be best.
feel free to ask any additional questions if needed
Im feeling extremely rundown and I'm sweating profusely even though it's really cold outside. I think I'm going to go pick up a thermometer right now. What is considered a fever for an adult? Thank you for your continued help & if you have any more advice on how to feel vetter faster, especially before my friday flight home to the USA from Germany, please let me know! Danke
97.8 to 99 F, 36.5 to 37.2 c
Detailed Answer:
The normal temperature range can vary slightly depending on whether the temperature is measured in the ear, in the axilla, in the mouth or rectally.
In general the normal range would be 97.8 f (36.5c) to 99 f (37.2c)
Glad to help you and hope you start to feel better soon
Feel free to ask anything else
Thank you!
only slight deviation so it is ok
Detailed Answer:
Though the normal range is 97.8 to 99, a value of 97.6 would not be concerning because it is only slightly below the normal and would not indicate any significant problem
You can use the range of 97.6 to 99 for yourself.
You can let me know if anything else is unclear