What Causes Persistent Abdominal Pain And Pain In Rectal Area?
Many causes for such symptoms. It needs evaluation by a Gastroenterologist!
Detailed Answer:
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Mostly pain symptoms of this type which occur at night gives the suspicion of worm infestation with anal and rectal irritation.
Other options may include inflammation of the rectum, colon, or even small intestines.
Hemorrhoids mostly internal type are common for such symptoms.
Sometimes constipation also is one of the reasons for such issues. Stool softeners are very helpful in this regard.
Abdominal or rectal pain isn't enough to say it is a hernia. Don't worry about that.
How to proceed:
This is the best age for a must have Colonoscopy to see the status of colon, anus and rectum. It is mandatory protocol for all patients of this age group irrespective of the symptoms they have. Carcinoma of colon and rectum and a lot more diseases of gastrointestinal tract can timely be diagnosed and treated if colonoscopy is done in a timely manner according to recommendations.
You need to consult a Gastroenterologist for proper evaluation and management. He is the personnel who after careful in-person evaluation and some lab work can tell you what is the exact reason for issues you have. Management goes accordingly.
Until you get the appointment, please follow the instructions as follows:
Take Citrucel Dietary Fiber Supplement with plenty of clean drinking water.
Lactulose syrup before going to bed.
Apply Procort Rectal Ointment with a rectal applicator inside the rectum to get prompt relief.
No spices, no fatty and oily meals, No beverages, cold drinks, cigarettes, alcohol and caffeinated drinks.
Take a bland diet as spices and junk foods are not good for you.
Avoid animal source proteins. You may take fish or seafood.
Use Sitz-Bath with adding a little salt in lukewarm water. Do it many times to get better healing.
Stool culture will reveal if there is a pathogen like worms, then deworming is needed with medications like Praziquantel.
If it will be Colon infection, rectal infection or other such issues, they can be tackled accordingly by your Gastroenterologist.
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