What Causes Persistent Cold, Cough And Fever In A Child?
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Detailed Answer:
I can understand your concern. First of all I would like to know if the fever is there for last 20 days or it has improved and now recurred again.
Persistent fever for 20 days with medical treatment and normal investigations is worrisome.
Please tell me the other associated symptoms if any like rashes, pain abdomen, eye or ear infection, urinary difficulty, joint pain etc.
Prolonged fever can be due to chronic infection, some hidden infection like liver abscess, kidney abscess, abdominal abscess, infection in the heart valve or some collagen vascular disorder like rheumatoid arthritis or kawasaki disease.
I would like to know about all the reports(complete blood count, C reactive protein, procalcitonin, blood culture, urine examination, widal or typhidot for typhoid, malaria antigen test for malaria, chest X-ray, echocardiography, rheumatoid factor, ANA, mantoux test for tuberculosis).
If temperature is not responding well to paracetamol you may give mefenemic acid or ibuprofen in addition. Do tepid water sponging for better result. The management of cold will depend on the reports like chest X-ray and blood reports.
Please get back with answer so that I better able to help you out.