What Causes Persistent Dry Cough Despite Taking Honitus Cough Syrup?
any medications?
Detailed Answer:
If you have been started on any new medications at the time this started, that could be the cause. Some medications like ACE-inhibitors can have dry cough as a side effect.
If not, the other options are allergies or some irritation to the airways.
Since the allegra did not help, you might try a nasal steroid like Flonase which is over the counter in most areas. Try using that twice a day and in between use nasal saline spray frequently.
Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water and avoiding fluids that can cause irritation to the throat. These include coffee, tea, citrus juices and alcohol.
Avoid all exposures to smoke and heavy pollution.
If none of this helps then see your doctor.
Dr. Robinson