What Causes Pulling Pain In Groin Area And Pushing Pain In Rectum?
Need more information....
Detailed Answer:
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to HCM.
Read and reviewed your query and feel concerned about your health issues.
I understood that groin pain is related to your past mesh-hernia repair surgery.
Its almost 6 yrs now after that hernia surgery.
Was it alright after surgery and for how long it was without any problem?
Was there any complication in post-operative period?
How long this burning pain is there?How it started and what made it to start first?
Please describe which movements makes this pain to occur with a tearing feel?
Any Constipation in last few days time?
Any other complaint like feverishness / malaise over last few days time?
I would need more information about your problem as asked above.
Welcome with more query in this regard.
Good Day !!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist
2. After the surgery I felt pretty good, but over the last 4 years when I move side to side motion it feels like a tearing hurt in my lower stomach.
3. Burning pain for about 18 months. No fever.
Need More Information please !!
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Need More Information please!!
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to HCM.
Read and reviewed the updates in context to your health concerns of -burning pain in groin/ tearing pain in lower abdomen / pushing pain in left rectum.
More information-
a-What type of hernia was there on each of the lower abdomen?
b-Whether bowel movement problem was there before hernia repair/ or it started only after surgery?
c-Which side you get tearing pain on twisting / side to side movements?
d-Which side you get burning pain in groin?
e-What were the type of hernias in the lower abdomen? was it only inguinal on both sides? Or was it Ventral hernia and inguinal hernia?
d-Give more details of the 2 hernias you had repaired?
Which side / or site/ location the first hernia appeared and when?
My Primary Impression-
Based on the limited facts given from you till now, you seem to have
a. Post-surgical Illio-Inguinal Nerve Entrapment which is due to the resolving/contracting wound fibrotic scar tissue around the entrapped ilioinguinal nerve.
Lightening pain in lower abdomen on side to side movements is also from the pulling strain on a entrapped ilio-inguinal nerve mostly, which developed in last 4 yrs -as understood from your last updates.
b-I am unable to understand about the left pushing pain in rectum, which would need more detailed information from you and would need more investigation, if need be.
Do's suggested-
Plan of treating these complaints could be worked after getting more detailed information in next 1-2 sessions, as I am unable to get first hand information to explain the complaints which you are concerned with.
YOu would need more investigations if need be and physical examination from experts,the plan of which would be suggested after getting more detailed information.
These are primary observations only and need to be verified with more information as asked above.
Awaiting more information and clarification on the data asked as above.
Welcome for any further query in this regard, so as to help you more to resolve your health concerns.
Good Day !!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist