What Causes Recurring Burning Sensation In Right Quadriceps?
Several features
Detailed Answer:
Several features of pain can be helpful in clarifying what is going on and the next steps for diagnosis and treatment.
Type of pain. Burning mostly means a nerve is having problems. This can be either a sick nerve or a nerve that has had an injury. Electrical, shooting would be others implying nerve source for pain.
Location of pain. There is a lot to this. First, if something goes in the pathway of a nerve, then that is the nerve involved. Nerves are long and the pain is in a belt-like long pathway. Smaller areas are smaller nerves. This also tends to say what might be going on. Obviously if there was an injury to the area and then there was pain outward from it "hit a nerve" would be a possibility. Sick nerves are MULTIPLE areas and tends to be the TIPS of the nerve not the whole nerve.
elicitation of pain. If you poke something and it hurts, that's where the pain is. Also moving a muscle or joint even internal ones localizes pain.
One small nerve could be several things. It could be something hitting it, having the nerve pulled and traumatized (that heals up in days or a week), or even a localized process:
infection such as lyme disease or syphillis
Inflammation such as an autoimmune disease including multiple sclerosis
or no clear cause found (in most people with one nerve acting up, it gets better and no cause is found...foot drop, Bell's Palsy, 3rd nerve palsy, optical neuritis, and a lot of odd little nerve things, I see them about 1 a year). If you get more than 1 it is called multiple sclerosis. we don't have a singular sclerosis.
Mostly, it gets better by the time you can get an appointment with a neurologist in single nerve problems.