What Causes Red Rashes And Wrinkled Skin On Penis?
The skin is wrinkled and red. I had tried appling some Vaseline, and few moisturizers and also the Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% cream, it has not helped.
It is balanoposthitis
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare-Magic
Greetings of the day
Thanks for providing clinical photograph, it is balanoposthitis.
I would suggest you the following which will definitely help relieve the fungal Balanoposthitis
1. Hot Seitz bath: Add a handful of salt in a small tub of warm water. Sit in it for 15-20 minutes, before taking bath. Pull back the skin gently and clean the whitish secretion known as smegma. Repeat it twice a day. take a good bath after it
2. Rule out Diabetis mellitus by getting Blood sugar level done.
3. dry the skin well after hot bath__ Apply mixture of Betamethasone and Clotrimazole ointment over the glans after pulling back the prpuce. Replace the prepuce to its normal position after thoroughly applying the ointment
4. Good personal Hygeine and maintaining area clean and dry especially after voiding
In case you need any further assistance, will be glad to assist you.
Wishing you happy and healthy life
Take Care
Best Regards
Dr Shobha
Are you sure this is fungal Balanoposthitis ? or psoriasis. I am now confused
I tried applying neosporin, then tried Clotrimazole for couple of days, but that did not help. I then saw dermatologist. He thought it was eczema and gave Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1%.
I have no itching/pain. The earlier RED spots did go away after applying Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1%. Earlier there was small ulceration too and few red spots. All that has gone. However the rash seems to have spread and although it is not that RED, its seems that skin feels pink and eroded
I have attached earlier picture from November 10th-15th
Please advise. I would be happy if this is seen by dermatologist
Unlikely to be Psoriasis
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir
The lesion are less likely to be due to Psoriasis. Treatment of fungal balanoposthitis requires long term application of anti fungal ointment like Clotrimazole. Short term application for 2 days will not be helpful. I would recommend you to follow the previous advise and keep me updated about progress.
Take Care
Dr Shobha