Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
I am Dr. Abraham , OB - GYN , and will be glad to assist you with the query posted.
Let me deal with it in two parts as you have written in.
1. Can you please upload the
ultrasound scan report, that will enable me to formulate a more specific opinion as opposed to just a single line regarding the ASD.
A septum primum defect is generally associated with more complex cardiac anomalies, as opposed to a septum secundum defect, which is generally more benign.
However , without any details of the defect, it is difficult to be specific.
Yes, alcohol intake during
pregnancy is associated with heart defects, so this could be a causal relationship.
Generally, more than 7 drinks a week ( includes wine ) is known to induce the negative effects.
You did cross this limit.
The good news is that when this intake happens during the very initial few days, before your period is due, then the effects are less drastic .
If you continue the drinking during the first trimester, chances of FAS are higher.
This is not true in your case, also the scanning and
Trisomy 21 screen are negative, so you can be further reassured.
The structural brain scan also seems normal, however , alcohol effects include behavioural problems in the baby, but once again, this is seen more often with maternal alcohol intake later than 2 - 3 weeks post conception.
2. With the onset of the third trimester, breathing issues are majorly exacerbated due to the pressure exerted by the growing baby.
Sudafed is pregnancy category C, while
benadryl is pregnancy category B, so if you have to, use Benadryl.
Both these drugs are relatively safer in the third trimester, when most organ systems are fully functional, and are contraindicated in the first trimester as a rule.
You can use them for symptomatic relief, consider using plain saline nasal drops to relieve the congestion.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.