What Causes Swelling On Thigh After Taking Anabolic Steroid Injection?
It is due to localised Cellulitis .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have taken injection of Anabolic Steroid on the thigh and has developed swelling at the siteof injection.
This is very common with thick oily preparations when injected superficially in subcutaneous tissue .
The hard surrounding the central soft mass is induration of subcutaneous tissue while the soft central portion is unabsorbed oily material hat you have injected .
Do not worry this will get resolved within 10 -15 days.
You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Cefexine along with anti inflammatory drug like Diclofenac twice daily to avoid it from getting infected.
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,
I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
You can take Clindamycin .
Detailed Answer:
Hello Thanks for follow up.
You can take Clindamycin.
Other drug Diclofenac is anti inflammatory medicine which helps in reducing the swelling.
You can take Nimusulide if freely available
pitting oedema is during stage of induration and what you have in the center is not oedema but fluctuation due to presence of fluid inside.
Thanks and Regards.
O.K Thanks Hello
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