What Causes Symptoms Of Gynecomastia After Massive Weight Loss?
I red that for chest there is something calleg Gynecomastia . Is it my case ?
But on the otherside i knew that chest muscle fats need some time to melt .
Based on your pictures It appears to be normal
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your query and picture.
It is not easy and it will take a lot of time to burn the fat of the chest and abdomen.
Based on the pictures and the information that you have provided, I think it is normal appearance.
You have to ask your gym instructor about the specific exercises which will help in burn this fat.
The appearance of gynecomastia might be due to weight loss that has occurred in you but to confirm it and to exclude any other pathology you can get yourself examined by local doctor.
This provisional advice provided by me is based entirely on the input provided to me. I would suggest examination by the doctor.
I hope this suggestion might be of some help to you. Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Take care.
You mean something serious ?
From the pictures, they appear to be normal
Detailed Answer:
From the pictures, I don't feel anything serious, it appears to be normal. But it is better if you get it examined. That's what I meant.
Hope this helps.
Take care
I just looking for the shape !!! I am not complain from anything .
Relax, nothing to worry
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Do not be anxious, as said earlier, there is nothing abnormal from the pictures as well as from the information you have provided.
As you have mentioned about gynecomastia on your query, it can not be commented without examination, so I suggested you to get it examined when you will see your doctor next time. Relax you are fine.
This provisional advice provided by me is based entirely on the input provided to me. I would suggest examination by the doctor.
I hope this suggestion might be of some help to you. Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Take care.